June 07, 2021

Joined: Jan 09, 2021

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760 Q49 V45 (Online)

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TTP is an absolutely brilliant course, comprehensively covers everything you need for both Quant and Verbal, in an amazing interface. It's the complete package. I have used only TTP, OG and GmatClub tests to score my twin 760s.

TTP's Quant section has been there from the start, and has been constantly refined. It's pretty comprehensive, and has thousands of problems organised by topic and by difficulty, with an error tracker and analytics as well. No problems are repeated. Bottom Line: If you finish TTP Quant, I'd honestly be shocked if you score below Q47, if not in the Q49-51 range.

The Verbal was launched recently and honestly covers everything. I've no idea why it's still classified as "Beta". There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Verbal questions as well. I only used TTP Verbal and then OG & GMATPrep for my Verbal preparation, got V45 twice and my 6 mocks ranged from V46-49. I found GMAT CR easy after TTP's CR course. Bottom Line: TTP Verbal, despite being "beta", is sufficient to score V45+. The RC module will be launched soon as well, and I'm sure it will be amazing.

One key facet of GMAT preparation is being organised. Maintaining an error log, knowing your mistakes, knowing your accuracy in each topic, your strengths and weaknesses, and subsequently drilling your problem areas. TTP makes this simple, with their meticulously organised interface and analytics. You don't have to spend any bandwidth on this and can instead focus on moving forward with the course and reviewing your error log. The modules are set out such that it will ask you to revise your error log periodically, and there are regular mini-review tests. This proposed schedule and module order is based on the science of spaced learning & revision to maximise knowledge retention and efficiency of time spent.

The team is extremely dedicated and passionate, as well as easily approachable via the chat function. Replies usually come within the hour. Once again, Scott, Marty and Jeff, thanks a lot for everything! :)

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